Thursday, August 12, 2010

amish romances and NPR's top 100 thrillers

Yes - the world is catching on to what Chinook patrons have been reading for years - inspirational fiction.  This USA Today article talks about the growing interest and lists a few upcoming titles...

And, if your readers prefer perspirational literature to inspirational, there's NPR's list of the top 100 thrillers. Jaws is number 25 - can you guess which book ranked at number 1? Check out the article to find out...

Vancouver Public Library cites ebooks as a reason for upsurge in new cards

Ebooks taking off at Vancouver Public Library...

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

All winter long, she borrowed quilting books...

CRL Board Executive member Laurie Glenn popped by yesterday to let us know that, yes, something came from all those quilting books she borrowed over the winter.  This photo doesn't really do it justice, but the quilt is quite lovely and soft.  Great to see one of the many tangible products of library use!