Thursday, April 29, 2010

First words

Hello and welcome!

Big changes are coming to Chinook and this blog is aimed at keeping boards and staff up to date on what's happening. Other readers are welcome, too, if they would like to discover more about the inside workings of Chinook.

Why a blog?

With 105 staff, and even more local and regional board members, there are a whole lot of different information consumption preferences to contend with. Some people want it all - every last scrap of information I can send out. Some want only the vital bits. And some don't want e-mails - ever. So the blog is just an easy, free mechanism for pushing news out.

As always, feedback is welcome! We are all working towards the same goals - supporting literacy, intellectual freedom and the love of literature in all the big and small communities of Southwestern Saskatchewan - and the best way to get where we're going is by working together.

Read on!

Stephanie Hall
Chinook Regional Library

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