Friday, April 30, 2010

Tentative SILS dates

As you all know, we will be moving onto the Single Integrated Library System this fall.  The dates below are still tentative, as in a project of this magnitude a change to one detail can result in delays.

The tentative go-live date for the automated branches is September 27, so mark that date in your calendars, folks.  Training will happen in advance of that date, and we're asking that people try not to schedule holidays during the two weeks prior.

We are still finalizing plans for training staff in non-automated branches.  Once you are trained, your branch will be able to go live on the system and become an automated branch.  As soon as we have the details confirmed, we will be contacting each of you.  In general, we hope to bring as many branches as possible up on the system in October and early November.

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